On their Instagram page, KC Underground recently posted 10 simple prayers that you can pray for someone who you hope will enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. The prayers form a pathway, each prayer being a step on the journey from seeking to surrender. These are the prayers:

1. I pray, Lord, that You draw _(name)__ to Yourself.
2. I pray that ____ seeks to know You.
3. I pray that ____ hears and believes the Word of God.
4. I ask You [Lord] to prevent Satan from blinding _____ to the truth.
5. Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict ____ of his/her sin and reveal his/her need for Jesus.
6. I ask You [Lord] to send someone, in addition to me, who will share the Gospel with _____.
7. I also ask that You [Lord] give me (and/or my community) the opportunity, the courage, and the right words to share the truth with _____.
8. Lord, I pray that ____ turns from his/her sin.
9. Lord, I pray that ____ would put all of his/her trust in Jesus.
10. Lord, I pray that ____ will confess Jesus as Lord of his/her life, take root and grow in his/her faith, and bear much fruit for Your glory. Thank you to KC Underground for sharing these steps. I hope that these will be of help to you as you journey toward Jesus with those you hope will be saved.
Your Servant in Christ, Pastor Mark